Thursday, August 08, 2013

TFS integration with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and automated scripts for build and deployment

Hello Friends,

For TFS integration,we have come up with a white paper which details what setup is required for using TFS with AX 2012. The white paper is available on information source -

Change management and TFS integration for multi developer projects

It details steps related to creating and deploying Microsoft Dynamics AX builds on computers connected to a central Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server (TFS) source control system. The document covers two topologies used by Microsoft Dynamics AX developers: private and shared Application Object Server (AOS) topologies.

Once TFS is setup , it is important to have automated build and deployment process. For this , we have provided powershell scripts.

Build and deploy scripts for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

The scripts provide automation for creation and deployment of builds for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. The scripts can be used with TFS providing end to end solution for build and deployment. The script performs tasks like sync, creation of TFS label, combining multiple source XPOs to single XPO, validating if build is healthy, etc. These scripts can also work with non-TFS version control where it provides all functionality except the one related to TFS.

Following scenarios are covered -

1. Creating a build – A Microsoft Dynamics AX build is created from specific versions of source files (XPO files, Visual Studio projects, and label files) in the TFS central repository. Source files that share a common label constitute a specific build of a Microsoft Dynamics AX model or application. Output of a build would be model file(s).

2. Deploying a build – Developer(s) should be able to deploy model file(s) (generated from build process or manually) in Ax installation(s). These scripts require some configuration files and parameters which are explained in detail in the above white paper.

Happy DAXing........ :)

Source : MSDN Blog by Mudit Mittal

Friday, July 05, 2013

How to Add summary fields of the FastTab in AX2012?

Hello Friends,

To add a field value to the summary fields of the FastTab, you use the FastTabSummary property of the control.

Note: The FastTabSummary property does not appear on all controls. For example, the reference group control does not include the FastTabSummary property.

To specify whether a field value appears in the summary fields, click the control that has the value that you want to display in the summary and then click one of the following values.

The default value. The field value is added to the summary fields for the first five fields that are members of the AutoSummary field group of the table.
The field value does not appear in summary fields of the FastTab.
Adds the value that appears in the control to the summary fields of the FastTab.

Happy DAXing….. J

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Data Migration Framework (DMF) AX 2012

Hello Friends,

The Data Migration Framework for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 is an extension that helps you migrate data into Microsoft Dynamics AX. Examples of the data that you can migrate include master data, open stock, and balances.

The Data Migration Framework is available from the InformationSource services download page.

The Beta 2 version of the Data Migration Framework includes support for the following new features:

  • ODBC connections as a data source.
  • Microsoft Dynamics AX databases as a data source. You can now export and import Microsoft Dynamics AX, and copy company information by using Data Migration Framework entities.
  • Direct table and composite entity types.  
    • A direct table entity enables you to migrate data from a source to a target Microsoft Dynamics AX table directly, without going through a staging table or applying any business logic.Unlike other entities, data cannot be pushed from one source table to multiple target tables. The direct table entity must be a one to one mapping from source to target.
    • A composite entity groups multiple related entities together. An example of a composite entity is a Sales Order and Sales Line entities combined together.
    • Parallel execution of threads to move data from staging to target tables.
  • Using the Data Migration Framework as a service. The framework can now be executed by external applications.
  • Error-handling enhancements. The Data Migration Framework provides more detailed logs, and can skip rows that contain errors.
  • Number sequence support.
  • Remote installations of Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services. It is no longer necessary to install Integration Services on the same computer as the Application Object Server (AOS).

Please visit following links for more information.

Happy DAXing..........

Friday, May 03, 2013

How to Print welcome message on Start-up of AX 2012 Client ?

Hello Friends,

Today I will demonstrate you that How to Print welcome message on AX rich & development client startup. Follow below steps when you want to execute some business logic in AX Startup.

  • Open AOT
  • Go to Classes -> Info
  • Open the StartupPost() method
  • Type following Code there

void startupPost()
     //your code goes here
    box::info("Welcome to Dynamics AX 2012 world!!!!");

Happy DAXing……. J

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Regular Expression in AX 2012

How to use the regular expression to validate the number string

static void TextBuffer_RegularExpression(Args _args)
    TextBuffer txt = new TextBuffer();
    str msg = "9876543210";


    // activate regular expr in search

    // Regular expression to validate only digits
    if (txt.find("^[0-9]+$"))
        info("string contains only numbers");
        info("string contains Alphanumeric characters.");

Happy DAXing...... :)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Full Text Index in AX2012

Hello Friends,

A full text index contains location information about each significant word in a string field of a table. Full text index queries can run more efficiently and complete much sooner. These are queries that search for words that are embedded in the middle of string fields in the table. Full text index can use this Index on Memo fields and also Extended data type.

A regular index on a long string field can help a query complete quickly only if the query searches for the word that is at the start of the string field. In X++ SQL this is done with the like keyword and the * wildcard character, such as in the code phrase like "*Dynamics*".

This Post describes how to create a query that uses a full text index in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. A full text index can improve the speed of queries that search for words that are embedded in string and memo fields on tables.

The QueryRange class has a rangeType method. You can direct a QueryRange object to use the full text index by passing the QueryRangeType::FullText enum value to the rangeType method.

Note :
1.       If the value you are searching for is a two word phrase with a space between the words, the system treats the space as a Boolean OR.
2.       X++ select statements cannot use a full text index.

Let me explain full text index with an example. Create a new table as shown below. In this example, my table Name is FullTextSampleTable. Once you are done with your table, Go to FullTextIndex Node >> Right click and create a new FullTextIndex. Rename it to FullTextIndex. Drag and drop TopicName field from the fields to the newly created index. Now table with index should look like below.

I have added few records for testing purpose as shown below.

The following X++ Job uses a full text index that exists on a table and field that it queries.

Hope it will help you to understand Full Text Index in Dynamics AX.........

Happy DAXing...... :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Fixed Field Relation in AX 2012

Hello Friends,

This post we continue with Fixed Field Relation in Dynamics AX 2012. We use Fixed Field relation when we have 1:N relation. On certain condition one of the relation become active & other will remain deactivate. Let me use the same theme as MSDN - Clothing.

Lets say you have 4 tables

1. ChildernClothesTable
2. MenClothesTable
3. WomenClothesTable
4. ClothesOrdersTable

Create BaseEnum CollectionTypeId with the following elements:

0 - Men
1 - Women
2 - Children

Create Extended DataType CollectionTypeEDT of BaseEnum CollectionTypeId. Now use this EDT in your ClothesTable.

ClothesOrdersTable has the following fields:

1. ClotheId,
2. Name ,
3. CollectionTypeId and
4. Qty 

ChildernClothesTable, MenClothesTable and WomenClothesTable has the following fields:
1. ClotheId,
2. Name 

Case 1:

On ClothesOrdersTable we create a new relation to MenClothesTable and specify the follwing two relations:

1. Normal = ClotheId to ClotheId and

2. Fixed Field ClothesOrdersTable.CollecTionTypeId = 0 and SourceEDT = CollectionTypeEDT

This shows that the lookup to the MenClothesTable should show all clothes with the same ClotheId (Define in Normal Relation) AND clotheId will only bring from MenClothesTable as we are using type Men (Define in Fixed Field Relation) because we want to activate relationship for mens' clothes. We use 0 because Men is element 0 in the Enum.

Case 2:

On ClothesOrdersTable we create a new relation to WomenClothesTable and specify the follwing two relations:

1. Normal = ClotheId to ClotheId and

2. Fixed Field ClothesOrdersTable.CollecTionTypeId = 1 and SourceEDT = CollectionTypeEDT

This shows that the lookup to the WomenClothesTable should show all clothes with the same ClotheId (Define in Normal Relation) AND clotheId will only bring from WomenClothesTable as we are using type Women (Define in Fixed Field Relation) because we want to activate relationship for Womens' clothes. We use 1 because Women is element 1 in the Enum.

Case 3:

On ClothesOrdersTable we create a new relation to ChildernClothesTable and specify the follwing two relations:

1. Normal = ClotheId to ClotheId and

2. Fixed Field ClothesOrdersTable.CollecTionTypeId = 2 and SourceEDT = CollectionTypeEDT

This shows that the lookup to the ChildernClothesTable should show all clothes with the same ClotheId (Define in Normal Relation) AND clotheId will only bring from ChildernClothesTable as we are using type Childern (Define in Fixed Field Relation) because we want to activate relationship for Childern clothes. We use 2 because Childern is element 2 in the Enum.

Hope it will help you to understand Fixed field Relation in Dynamics AX.........

Happy DAXing...... :)

Sample XPO Link :

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Related Fixed Field Relation in AX 2012

HI friends,

It's not that hard to understand Relation in Dynamics AX 2012. Let me use the same theme as MSDN - Clothing.

Lets say you have 4 tables

1. ClothesTable
2. MenClothesOrder
3. WomenClothesOrder
4. ChildernClothesOrder

Create BaseEnum CollectionTypeId with the following elements:

0 - Men
1 - Women
2 - Children

Create Extended DataType CollectionTypeEDT of BaseEnum CollectionTypeId. Now use this EDT in your ClothesTable.

ClothesTable has the following fields:

1. ClotheId,
2. Name and
3. CollectionTypeId

MenClothesOrder, WomenClothesOrder and ChildernClothesOrder has the following fields:
1. OrderId,
2. ClotheId,
3. Qty

Case 1:

On MenClothesOrder we create a new relation to ClothesTable and specify the follwing two relations:

1. Normal = ClotheId to ClotheId and

2. Related Fixed Field 0 = ClothesTable.CollecTionTypeId. and SourceEDT = CollectionTypeEDT

This shows that the lookup to the clothes table should show only clothes with the same ClotheId (Define in Normal Relation) AND clothes that are of type Men (Define in Related Fixed Field Relation) because the our table deals with order for mens' clothes. We use 0 because Men is element 0 in the Enum.

Case 2:

On WomenClothesOrder we create a new relation to ClothesTable and specify the follwing two relations:

1. Normal = ClotheId to ClotheId and

2. Related Fixed Field 1 = ClothesTable.CollecTionTypeId. and SourceEDT = CollectionTypeEDT

This shows that the lookup to the clothes table should show only clothes with the same ClotheId (Define in Normal Relation) AND clothes that are of type Women (Define in Related Fixed Field Relation) because the our table deals with order for Womens' clothes. We use 1 because Women is element 1 in the Enum.

Case 3:

On ChildernClothesOrder we create a new relation to ClothesTable and specify the follwing two relations:

1. Normal = ClotheId to ClotheId and

2. Related Fixed Field 2 = ClothesTable.CollecTionTypeId. and SourceEDT = CollectionTypeEDT

This shows that the lookup to the clothes table should show only clothes with the same ClotheId (Define in Normal Relation) AND clothes that are of type Childern (Define in Related Fixed Field Relation) because the our table deals with order for Childern's clothes. We use 2 because Childern is element 2 in the Enum.

Hope it will help you to understand Related Fixed field Relation in Dynamics AX.........

Happy DAXing...... :)

Sample XPO Link :

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Export and Import a Model In Dynamics AX 2012

Export an .axmodel file (Windows PowerShell)

  1. On the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Microsoft Dynamics AX Management Shell.
  2. At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, PS C:\>, type the following command, and then press ENTER.
    Export Command Syntax :
    Export-AXModel –Model <name> -File <Filename.axmodel>
    Example : 
    Export-AXModel –Model SecurityModel -File C:\SecurityModel.axmodel

Import an .axmodel file (Windows PowerShell)
    1. On the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Microsoft Dynamics AX Management Shell.
    2. At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, PS C:\>, type the following command, and then press ENTER.
    Import Command Syntax :
    Install-AXModel -File <Filename.axmodel> -Details
    Exmaple :
    Install-AXModel -File C:\SecurityModel.axmodel -Details

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

How to Filter records in form by X++ code

The standard filter functionality in Ax forms is a neat and powerful feature.
Using this filter functionality in your code is something you'll definitely use at some point in time as a programmer.

Although it's possible to do it in a single line of code, I prefer a 3 step solution. That way it's more flexible.
Let me show you by example. We'll filter the customers records in form CustTable, only showing customers with currency USD.

Step 1: Declare a class variable
In the ClassDeclaration method of the form, define a range.

QueryBuildRange CurrencyQBR;

Step 2: Instantiate the new range.
In the init method on the datasource of the form, you assign the range to a specific field (after the super call).

public void init()

CurrencyQBR = this.query().dataSourceName('CustTable').addRange(fieldnum(CustTable,Currency));

Step 3: In the last step, you assign a value to the range.
This is done in the executeQuery method on the same datasource of the form. Before the super call. Like this:

public void executeQuery()
{ ;



You're done! When you open the form, your customer records are filtered, you only get the customers with currencycode USD set up.

Like I said in the intro of this post, this can be done in one line of code as well.
In the init method of the form datasource, after the super call, place this code:

But this way, it's fixed. If you choose the 3 step method, you could for example use a variable in the range value. The way to go would be to place an input field on your form, get the value from it and supply it in the executeQuery method.
For example like this:
public void executeQuery()
{ ;



Just make sure the executeQuery method is executed, thus applying the desired filter (maybe be using a button on your form to activate it).
Of course it's possible to combine multiple querybuildranges.

Monday, March 25, 2013

AX2012 R2 Setup Step by Step....

Dear Friends,

As you know the much awaited AX 2012 R2 is launched so Here we have a install/upgrade overview on AX 2012 R2 in just 24 clicks :

1) Start the Setup Program.

 2) Click "Microsoft Dynamics AX Components" under Install.

 3) Click Next.

 4) Select "I accept the license terms" *.

 5) Choose Appropriate Option.

 6) Processing will start.

 7) Choose "Add or modify components".

 8) Select Options to install/upgrade.

 9) Review the Errors/warnings and click on "Configure" check box for the applicable errors. and click "Configure".

 10) Click "Start" to start configuring components as per AX needs.

 11) Select "Configure existing database (for upgrade scenarios)".

 12) Specify your existing databases.

 13) Choose models to upgrade.

 14) Specify the "Temp" location for setup files.

 15) Specify the SSAS details.

 16) Specify credentials (we just have used the dummy account) for learning purpose only. Use your AD authenticated account details.

 17) Specify .net BC account (if its not already there in AX)

 18) Choose your Languages (en-US) in this demo.

 19) Specify Data Crawler Account details.

 20) SSRS Database details.

 21) User Account for SSRS Access. Click Next

23) Review prerequisite validation & Click Next.

23) Click Install.

24) Verify the installation.

Enjoy DAXing......... 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Custom Lookup in Dynamics AX 2012

As a Dynamics AX developer, you'll often have to perform custom lookups. Meaning that the user may only select records in another table depending on some condition on the form, or elsewhere.

Now, to create a custom lookup, we'll use the class SysTableLookup as it provides us a set of methods to do so.

Here's our method, to be created directly on the table CustTable, with some CustGroup.

With that little piece of code, Dynamics AX will already display a lookup form with the table you've specified as a DataSource, displaying the fields you specified with the method addLookupField and following the results criteria of the Query you've passed to it.

Now all we have to do is actually call our lookup method, by overriding the lookup of the correct field in our Form's Data Source:

And that's it! The lookup will be performed. But there's one additional step we'll have to take here...

Dynamics AX will display the results of the query, based on the filter we've created. So the user will only be able to see what we want him to see, and so he'll only be able to select what we want. The problem is that if he types in an existing record for the CustTable in the control, even if does not get shown in our lookup, Dynamics AX will accept that.

To avoid that the user does in fact type in something we don't want, we'll have to override the validate method for our field in our Data Source. The simplest logic is to check if the CustTable record the user typed in does attend the filter we've specified:

You also need to write find method on CustTable that you call in validate method.

So if the user simply types in for a record that does not attend our filter, Dynamics AX won't let the user save that value.

Happy DAXing....... :)

How to Create Primary Key Table in AX 2012

Follow below steps to create primary key in a table in AX 2012. It can consist of single field only. You can not use more than one fields. If you use more than one fields than it will only appears in Cluster Index Property.

1) Create the Table and add required fields to the table as you all knows.
2) Create an Index by dragging the required field to the Index.
3) Set the following Index properties:
        a) AllowDuplicates to "NO".
        b) Alternate key to "YES".
4) Set the  PrimaryIndex  property of the table to newly created index after creating the Index.

Use Chain Of Command with Examples

 Dear Friends Here is an example of using Chain of Command for form datasource methods. [ExtensionOf(formDataSourceStr(<<Form Name>...